Installation & Usage#

Install the app with pip and add staticinline.apps.StaticInlineAppConfig to your installed apps in your

pip install django-staticinline
    # ...

In a Django template load the staticinline templatetag and load a file using the same tag just as you’d load a file with the regular static templatetag.

{% load staticinline %}

<style type="text/css">{% staticinline "myfile.css" %}</style>
<script>{% staticinline "myfile.js" %}</script>


If the file does not exist, and DEBUG is False, an empty string is returned and a error logfile is set. In case DEBUG is True, a ValueError is raised.


You can optioanlly cache the file content. This is particularly useful if you use expensive encoder processing.

Pass the cache=True argument. Additionally you can pass a timeout (in seconds) using the cache_timeout argument. If not set, the default timeout defined in the AppConfig is used.

{% load staticinline %}

{% staticinline "mykey.pem" encode="base64" cache=True %}
{% staticinline "mykey.pem" encode="base64" cache=True cache_timeout=3600 %}